
Showing posts from July, 2021

The power of video/Bump It Up Wall conversations and reflecting on our students leads to a spontaneous fourth parameter voting

Our next staff meeting on July 12th asked staff to think back to the last session. What did they remember? The responses indicated that staff sat in very different spaces. Some remembered: - the visuals of the parameters created - the shared beliefs we had regarding 'our' kids (that we are all accountable for) - the importance of putting faces on the data to ensure they are all catered for - the conversation around how data helps us to react both in the moment of learning/teaching and during planning - how they could not see how the parameters were interconnected (yet) - how they had rated students the 'lowest' when asked whether they believed students could articulate their learning The collaborative team shared some insights after listening to Cohort 1 schools - particularly a video where a student was able to talk about their learning. This honest representation clearly indicated that the student knew what they were learning and why. They could use the Bump It Up wal

Cohort 1 Sharing

 It was a real insight listening to Cohort 1 schools share their journey and learning as a result of the Collaborative. The image captured is a summary of our team's thoughts. Coraki's presentation highlighted a real connection between staff and the learning resources. Their students could articulate where they were in their learning and where they needed to go next. They utilized the Bump It Up wall to help with this articulation. Both teachers and teacher assistants' voices and expertise were clearly heard in the Case Management Meetings. The team reflected on what they are doing differently as a result of  the Collaborative work. In particular they mentioned how Learning Intentions and Success Criteria are constantly referred to and how these are co-constructed (no longer teacher driven) deepening their students' understanding of expectations and building authentic ownership. The challenges faced by the team included the mindset of others, especially in regards to th