
Showing posts from October, 2021

Goal setting

  Staff were asked to reflect on their two goals for the year. They named their other goal, outside of the Learning Collaborative: They were asked to reflect: What’s going well in your teaching? What are you noticing that’s working?  In break out groups staff were asked to share: What progress has been made toward the goal? What have you you learnt so far? What surprised you? What roadblocks are you running into? Staff were asked to explore: What teaching strategies would you like to work on? Has this changed? Or Stayed the same? Tell me more about that? What would be the benefits of that? After sharing, staff were asked to write down their response to these questions: So, what can you do to move forward on this? What are your first 3 small steps? How can we support each other? With the employment of a teacher librarian, we have 40 minutes a week in addition to our PLT and RFF time. Using our existing structures what things might you organise to help support this goal and our Learning

More staff pictures of 'having a go'

Staff have begun visiting each other's rooms informally to see/chat about what they are doing and how.  

Early Dabbles

Staff have begun to trial things in their classroom based on their learning. Anchor charts: De-constructed Learning Intentions, Co-constructed Success Criteria and Bump It Up Walls: Evidence of student impact: