
Showing posts from November, 2022

Sharing some of the Anchor charts other schools created at our last Learning Day with Lynn Sharratt

Each school created anchor charts on the 'Look For's' in regards to: 1. The third teacher 2. Instructional Strategies (including Gradual Release of Responsibility, Differentiation and Accountable Talk) 3. The Assessment Waterfall 4. Robust Learning Tasks  

Learning Walks and Talks

Within this staff meeting we covered Daily Learning Walks and Talks (LWTs). These are an instructional leadership tool for both leaders and teachers to use to move from ‘pockets of excellent practice’ to ‘school-wide excellence in classroom practice’. LWTs are powerful when used as a non-evaluative tool to grow practice in every school and system. The Five questions are useful in collecting data on how well students are taking ownership of their learning. They also inform leaders’ and teachers’ next steps in staff members’ Professional Learning. Today's meeting did not focus on the five questions. Instead it explored how a LWT can be as simple as 'walking the walls.' We started with data. Examining our 2022 NAPLAN (a reminder of our moral imperative). One of the ways we realised our data. Our principal gave each staff member a random student NAPLAN record sheet. In every area that was tested staff was asked to examine the student record card and walk to a particular place i