
Showing posts from August, 2023

Going back to the Data Wall

The following staff meeting was presented by the Learning Collaborative team. Time was spent selecting students for the next CMM. Teachers completed a Chronicle entry using the Case Management Meeting template on Compass . There was also a d iscussion of support such as Drew’s time (Thursday 9:00am - 10:00am). His time can be booked to release staff for Learning Collaborative engagement and a timetable for purpose and booking was shared.  Kim Post shared how her time has been used by staff and announced her availability continues (Monday to Thursday 9:00am - 11:00am). Staff shared how she had modeled the unpacking of Learning Intentions, co-constructed Success Criteria with students, and coached teachers around the construction of BIU walls and anchor charts that support student learning. Moving forward, she might be utilised as an extra set of hands in training students how to use the wall and effectively find stars and stairs in their own and others work. This staff meeting highligh