
Showing posts from September, 2021

Understanding Parameter 6

In our Zoom meeting staff then engaged with jamboard. Staff went into break out rooms to discuss the Case Management approach and answer the following question: They were also asked to think back to data walls created at our school in the past. What did we have to unlearn to relearn? Teams reflected on their experiences and recorded. They also explored what they believe will be the key differences as a result of learning with Lyn Sharratt and what impact this will have on our students.  As a final exit ticket staff were asked to consider what data they believe should be part of our data wall.

Online Learning for Staff

Blended Learning and NSW Health Restrictions haven't stopped our Learning Collaborative Learning! Instead it has caused the team to consider how to present differently. We started with reflection and sharing through a Zoom meeting. As part of our School Improvement Plan we share the goal to 'Engage with and apply methodologies from the Learning Collaborative.' Many individuals/teams have been experimenting with their new learning.  Using Mentimeter we asked staff to share some of what is happening across the school. The beauty of this platform is that as people contribute their ideas pop up on the screen. The wordle below is created with the most common word being typed becoming larger. We then asked staff to answer the following questions with what they trialed. What were there successes in what they have trailed so far as part of their engagement with the Learning Collaborative? These were read out. With any implementation, we might have experienced challenges, especially