
Showing posts from November, 2021

Videos of Staff Sharing

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Zooming into Classrooms to see Staff Dabbling with the Learning

Sharing student work samples (that have come about after creating an English program with a 'Clarity' influence):   De-Constructed Learning Intentions:   Teachers brainstorming with students examples, non-examples and what technical words mean (with visuals). Anchor Charts to support learning:   Co-Construction of exemplars:     Co-Construction of Success Criteria and Bump It Up Walls: Teachers shared from 'Clarity' the Venn Diagram that they love to use for assessment. Teachers spoke of using it to inform their teaching. Those who were 'unsure' or 'not getting it' would come to the teaching table, those who were getting it would partner with those who don't or even having the diagram as a tool for self-assessment. Kindergarten teachers talked through their process. Breaking down Big Ideas and Guiding Questions. Developing anchor charts with students using the best example from the Bump It Up wall as a reference. Building the writing process by start