
Showing posts from August, 2022

We have a data wall!

In PLTs we discussed what were our non-negotiables in sentence structure from the writing progressions. What did we believe was essential. It became evident at this point that all indicators within CrT were informing our judgements, but staff still wanted to create the wall around this micro level before expanding into the use of the whole CrT indicators. We focused our attention within 'text forms and features.' After each team agreed on their non-negotiables, these were then shared at the next PLT. Did we now still agree on our non-negotiables around sentence structure (in light of what teams have chosen before and after)? Do we see the continuum and are able to make comparisons so that we can move students along and back? Teams then created an explanation of the indicators and developed student examples in light of what the progression indicators were wanting. These were also shared with teams across the school and amendments were made accordingly. What percentage do we beli