Revising the Parameter 1 and 14

 Staff were asked to re-reflect on  Parameter 1 and the shared beliefs and understandings articulated by Lyn Sharrat. We had completed this same activity 12 months earlier and wanted to gain a sense of where we were placed collectively. Staff were asked to give a rating from 1 to 10 to indicate how much they believed in each of the statements and were encouraged to give a reason as to why they believed what they did. These ratings and reasons were collected anonymously. Then redistributed. Staff then stood behind the chairs, reading out the rating and reason they had been handed. 

The photo below indicates where staff now sit with the statement: All leaders, teachers and students can articulate what they do and why they lead, teach and learn the way they do.

The photos below are the staff's reaction to: High expectations and early and ongoing intervention are essential.

The photos below are of staff's reaction to: All teachers can teach to high standards given time and the right assistance.

The below photos were staff's reaction to Parameter 1: All students can achieve high standards given the right time and the right support.

The responses were collated below. There was a definite shift in each of the parameters towards 10 in with all statements.

Learning Collab Staff Meeting

Question 1 - Student’s parameter 1 Responses

There were no responses for 1, 2. 3, 4, 6 so I deleted these columns, they can easily be replaced.

There was a5 and an 8 but no reasoning so they are not included.

R. 5

R. 7

R. 8

R. 9

R. 10

So this depends on What ‘High Standards’ are. Everything is relative & individual to that child. Not all students can achieve the same ‘High Standards’(for various reasons).They can achieve their own high standards.

I think of high standards as over achieving so is this realistic for absolutely everyone

I think most students can, however some students with an impairment / learning disability are unable to.

Right time & support from school & home

All students can achieve high standards for them. What we class as high standards for one could be a different  level of high standards foe another - time & support is important.

Depending on student’s attitudes.

What are high standards? 

Some students receive great support and instruction but can’t achieve ‘high standards’

Some can, but some won’t due to cognitive issues.

Despite a student’s academic ability, if they are supported well and with the right amount of time, they will achieve at a high level (for themself).

The key is they must also want to achieve.

Sometimes environmental factors can prevent this- eg attendance being limited.

Everyone can learn, I believe it is possible.

Definition of ‘High Standards’? What about additional needs that may inhibit progress?

Right time! Right support! These are important factors.

Individual high standards for disability as opposed to overall high standards? 

All students can find their level of success in life.

Teachers have high expectations for all students to grow & succeed at their own level.

If we set the bar low we will never see how high they can jump.

With differentiation & responding to our data today, we can help students reach high standard.

Look different for different learners.

All students have the potential to achieve- we need to identify how to get through - achieve in various ways.

Students will grow no matter their starting point if they are taught effectively& have self-belief.

Because all students are capable & will meet expectations given the right support.

Time & support is different for every child. As long as support is a partnership( families & education).

I truly believe this is possible.


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