
Revising the Parameter 1 and 14

 Staff were asked to re-reflect on  Parameter 1 and the shared beliefs and understandings articulated by Lyn Sharrat. We had completed this same activity 12 months earlier and wanted to gain a sense of where we were placed collectively. Staff were asked to give a rating from 1 to 10 to indicate how much they believed in each of the statements and were encouraged to give a reason as to why they believed what they did. These ratings and reasons were collected anonymously. Then redistributed. Staff then stood behind the chairs, reading out the rating and reason they had been handed.  The photo below indicates where staff now sit with the statement: All leaders, teachers and students can articulate what they do and why they lead, teach and learn the way they do. The photos below are the staff's reaction to: High expectations and early and ongoing intervention are essential. The photos below are of staff's reaction to: All teachers can teach to high standards given time and the righ

Going back to the Data Wall

The following staff meeting was presented by the Learning Collaborative team. Time was spent selecting students for the next CMM. Teachers completed a Chronicle entry using the Case Management Meeting template on Compass . There was also a d iscussion of support such as Drew’s time (Thursday 9:00am - 10:00am). His time can be booked to release staff for Learning Collaborative engagement and a timetable for purpose and booking was shared.  Kim Post shared how her time has been used by staff and announced her availability continues (Monday to Thursday 9:00am - 11:00am). Staff shared how she had modeled the unpacking of Learning Intentions, co-constructed Success Criteria with students, and coached teachers around the construction of BIU walls and anchor charts that support student learning. Moving forward, she might be utilised as an extra set of hands in training students how to use the wall and effectively find stars and stairs in their own and others work. This staff meeting highligh

The Action Team develop a WSAP Learning and Teaching Statement

The Action Team met and created a WSAP Learning and Teaching statement to be placed in all English programs. We will use Learning Intentions and Success Criteria to support student learning and opportunities for children to use the Third Teacher through student rich learning supports on the walls including anchor charts and bump it up walls. We will deconstruct Learning Intentions and co-construct Success Criteria with our students, so they understand and can explain what they are learning and why. We will provide opportunities for peer and self assessment and provide descriptive feedback, to allow students to set goals based on the stars and stairs from the success criteria. We will use data to inform our instructional groupings and pedagogical decisions.

Sharing where we are up to with Lyn via Zoom

  We were asked to present where we are up to at the moment - Updating the data wall. We have moved to a larger room. 'Empowering' watermark added. Sharratt quotes for inspiration and focus. Summarising 2022 data on the data cards. Placement of students based on present reality. De-construction and colour coding of CrT progressions for deep understanding. Adding student work samples to help teachers 'see' what the progressions look like. Ensuring examples and elaborations align with the new version. Drawing upon OECD and Education in 2030 disposition paper to explore the upper ends of the CrT progressions and what we want for our students. Drawing upon Catholic World View to articulate our moral imperative as educators. We shared with Lyn our experience with the Principals and Network leaders engaging in Learning Walks and Talks with our school. They affirmed in particular: - How our K-2 teachers are finding ways to embed the work of the Learning Collaborative in the ro

A review of WSAP to Writing

  The process of development at this staff meeting was the following: Staff stood on a continuum on the present WSAP in Writing and had to place themselves according to 'I'm with this and I agree with this' or 'I have some wonderings and questions'. Staff had the opportunity to seek clarity and ask questions about the current WSAP. Using a 'brain dump' from the Learning Collaborative team - what did we need to agree upon and articulate. As a result, the staff developed the following documents to replace the WSAP.

A deep dive into the Assessment Waterfall Chart

The session started with self-reflection and team commitments On an Assessment Waterfall chart staff were asked to rate themselves 1-5 in how they were traveling at implementing and how the team was going. Staff left the space writing a commitment for themselves in one envelope and one for the team in another. Program exemplars were shared. Staff had time looking through and talking with members of staff how the programs had embedded the Assessment Waterfall into the learning experiences. From discussions, staff realised the need for an agreed practice and blurb for the Learning and Teaching program which the Action team developed at a later point in time. In the next session, we followed the protocols of presenting a 'minds on',  revisiting our norms and setting the Learning Intentions and Success Criteria for the session. We reviewed what we explored in our l ast Staff meeting which is where we looked deeply at Learning Intentions, assessed where we were last year, this year