Learning about the 14 parameters - Term 2 Week 6, 7, 8

Staff took each of the parameters and in pairs, using the book, summarized. Each pair then presented to the rest of the staff.



Staff were asked to consider why Parameters 1, 6 and 14 were non-negotiable. And to journal down their thoughts.

At the next staff meeting, staff were asked to revisit the parameters displayed around the room and write a key sentence about each Parameter in their journal. Question prompts included: 
- What’s something that resonates with you today as you go around the room?
- Write a dot point for each parameter in their journal. What does it mean to you? How would you use it? Why is it important? Where have you seen examples?

Staff then selected a different parameter that they hadn't worked with and were instructed to design a visual that explains that to the group what the parameter means.

A gallery walk followed.

Staff then asked questions around the visuals created and shared interpretations/reasons for visuals, etc.

'I'm wondering what the red symbol line with a student and a squiggly line means?' asked one teacher.
'That's a student falling through the cracks and how we won't allow for that to happen,' replied the illustrating teachers.

'I like the book ends drawing with the students in between. It symbolizes how we all are responsible for all the students,' commented another staff member.

At the conclusion of the meeting staff shared how they understood how Parameters 1 and 14 fit together, but were unsure on the link of Parameter 6.


  1. Designing a visual was powerful learning as it required a deeper level of understanding and guided us to delve into the important aspects of each parameter. Through the ongoing reading and shared activities the 3 Parameters and how they fit together became clearer each session


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