Looking at the data


Staff examined the data reflecting on 'what do they notice?' They were challenged who is our face, what is our plan to ensure that those 1060 students in our Diocese, in our schools that we all own together get over the line?

And coming to an understanding that our work today and tomorrow, and in an ongoing way is the plan that will evolve to ensure that all teachers and leaders know how to teach all students because that's our work. That's our URGENT work.

Staff discussed how the Learning Collaborative becomes the hard work that we will do together. To write the plan to help ALL of our students be successful. 

Our School Improvement Plan contains social justice as a Mission focus - the Learning Collaborative is social justice at work for our children. Jesus taught us to care for the vulnerable - these results are our collective urgent work, these are our children, our system’s children, our education system’s children. It is all of our responsibility - it is our call to URGENT action.


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