Who shares the responsibility


Individually staff were asked to go through each of the parameters and place an X or an O. The X was for whether they believed the responsibility of that parameter lay with leadership or an O being the responsibility of the classroom teacher. Staff then discussed their answers with their table. Some indicated that responses were changed. Responses changed didn't move from one to the other, but more if a parameter could be interpreted as the responsibility of both. An example was given, "Even the parameter of 'Principal as Lead Learner' could be viewed as both the responsibility of the individual leadership member but also the responsibility of the classroom teacher as although they have to actively lead and be involved with the learning, the classroom teacher needs to help support that." Another said "'Allocation of System or School Funds for Learning' parameter might be strategically or systematically managed by leadership, but we only know what to spend our money on and whether it is having a worthwhile impact on the students if we communicate that with them."


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