Going deeper with Success Criteria


It took a whole staff meeting to go deeply with Learning Intentions. Our next meeting, some what two weeks later went into Success Criteria. The focus: How they need to be visible, understood, relevant and transparent. Lyn's video showed how we can demonstrate to students how to succeed - connecting it to prompts, resources, anchor charts and Bump It Up Walls.

Staff sat in their PLTs (which included their TA) and divided their page into a Ta chart.
Staff examined two work samples and analyzed what did the samples both have and what did the better sample have.

Staff then shared this with another PLT and together they co-constructed what is the success criteria (standards - what students do to attain the Learning Intention). They were instructed to ensure their Success Criteria enabled all students to achieve at least one aspect of success.
Success Criteria was then shared around the room through a gallery walk. Two PLTs at each Success Criteria T chart were asked to reflect on the verbs/subject vocabulary that would need de-construction with students and share how they would go about this with students. They were then asked to share how they would develop Success Criteria with the students.

It was at this point the Learning Collaborative team thought it was timely to share Lyn's views on how secretarial skills should be on an anchor chart (the expectation of all good writing). Lyn discusses how the expectations/amount within the Success Criteria varies from Kindergarten to High School.

A member of staff shared how she went about de-constructing Learning Intentions and co-constructing Success Criteria with her students using video and photos.

We also showed a video from edugains which also broke down another way a teacher was able to deconstruct Learning Intentions and developed Success Criteria with students.

Where to next? As this is the end of 2021 our possible plans for 2022 is to review where we are up to in the Assessment Waterfall Learning with staff. Then provide time in their new PLTs to develop Learning Intentions and Success Criteria into their programs and applying the tester questions to self-assess their application.


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