
Showing posts from May, 2022

Watching the exemplar Case Management Meeting

We provided staff with the Case Management Meeting template and scripts. Staff then viewed the video of a CMM provided by the Diocese available from: Staff were asked to observe what worked, what they were wondering and what they believe will look different in our context. Staff made note of the following: The number of people in the meeting - was it necessary? The use of the previous year's teacher in the meeting - what a great resource. The amount of leadership at the table - is there a balance of voice? What the teacher shared - was it instruction focused?  What was shared as a possible 'go to next' - was it more around content then on the 'how to move the student in their learning?'  

The impact of The Learning Collaborative to Date.

  Presentation to the CSO and Lyn Sharratt 2.6.22

Informal CMM's and Data Walls

  Staff had been asked what questions they had about Case Management Meetings at the Staff Development Day. They were given the second brochure created by the Diocese on Case Management meetings and were able to tick off answers to their own questions. Any questions that were not answered would be taken by the Learning Collaborative team and answered in the next session. Staff then chose five children and were instructed to pick an area within writing to create a mini data wall. Staff ranked the children as WB, WA, WB so that the data wall was not long and exhaustive. In pairs staff discussed who they identified, where they placed them on the wall and why and shared what instruction had been given to date. Together they brainstormed what was the next teaching point for these children and explored why they thought a particular child was stuck where they were. At the end of the meeting staff expressed how the CMM focused on building the capacity of the teachers together and how instructi

Staff Development Day Term 2 2022

We began our day reviewing Chapter 7 from 'Clarity.' Staff discussed and shared their key learnings around Data Walls. Staff noticed how data walls visually present achievement and growth. They shared statements around how data walls are a preventive measure in response to student needs that should be c o-constructed and therefore co-owned by staff. It became clear the p riority and role of Case Management Meetings (CMM's) in response to the data of a student. they saw these meetings as an opportunity to brainstorm, plan, implement, reflect and evaluate instructional strategies that are and are going to be put in place. The data wall was something they felt provided evidence of intervention and prevention. Whereas, CMM's are a community of professional trust, where there is no judgement on the teacher's practice but instead a focus on instruction strategies that have been put in place so far, the strengths of the students and where the teacher should go next in m