Informal CMM's and Data Walls


Staff had been asked what questions they had about Case Management Meetings at the Staff Development Day. They were given the second brochure created by the Diocese on Case Management meetings and were able to tick off answers to their own questions. Any questions that were not answered would be taken by the Learning Collaborative team and answered in the next session.

Staff then chose five children and were instructed to pick an area within writing to create a mini data wall. Staff ranked the children as WB, WA, WB so that the data wall was not long and exhaustive. In pairs staff discussed who they identified, where they placed them on the wall and why and shared what instruction had been given to date. Together they brainstormed what was the next teaching point for these children and explored why they thought a particular child was stuck where they were. At the end of the meeting staff expressed how the CMM focused on building the capacity of the teachers together and how instruction for one, benefits many.


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