A deep dive into LWT's with the Learning Collaborative Team

We reviewed the last staff meeting that covered Learning Walks and Talks - looking for the 3rd teacher in each other's rooms.

We started our meeting then with data - exploring the new analytics site and in particular the use of Hattie's effect size to determine how our school was scoring using NAPLAN Data. Interestingly, we were in the negative in each learning space - Numeracy, Language Conventions, Writing and Reading.

Our Learning Intention was stated. We are learning to understand a leadership learning walk and talk so that we can continue to develop assessment-capable learners in our classrooms

As a team presenting out success was based on whether participants could:

- understand the purpose of a learning walk and talk

- recognise the links to the assessment waterfall chart

- identify what learning walks and talks are and what they are not

There are two ways of authentically monitoring student progress and teacher collective capacity-building. 1.:Developing and maintain working Data Walls leading to Case Management

Meetings: and, 2. Engaging in daily Learning Walks and Talks

Teams took a page each from the brochure Walks and Talks Brochure and became an expert. Teams presented their page as a 'lesson' to the rest of the group with some choosing to even role-play a Learning Walk and Talk with members of leadership or the Learning Collaborative team. Teams then developed their own posters of what LWTs are and what they are not.

Staff then reflected on how they were feeling in light of this professional learning using a MentiMetre. What are LWTs, who does them and what are the different types we have covered so far was also asked.


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