Sharing where we are up to with Lyn via Zoom


We were asked to present where we are up to at the moment - Updating the data wall.
We have moved to a larger room.
'Empowering' watermark added.
Sharratt quotes for inspiration and focus.
Summarising 2022 data on the data cards.
Placement of students based on present reality.
De-construction and colour coding of CrT progressions for deep understanding.
Adding student work samples to help teachers 'see' what the progressions look like.
Ensuring examples and elaborations align with the new version.
Drawing upon OECD and Education in 2030 disposition paper to explore the upper ends of the CrT progressions and what we want for our students.
Drawing upon Catholic World View to articulate our moral imperative as educators.

We shared with Lyn our experience with the Principals and Network leaders engaging in Learning Walks and Talks with our school. They affirmed in particular:
- How our K-2 teachers are finding ways to embed the work of the Learning Collaborative in the rollout of the new syllabus.
- The consistency of Learning Intentions and Success Criteria across the school.
- Evidence of BIU walls and goal setting in some classrooms.
- How the work has been extended into other KLA's such as Creative Arts.
We also explained our 2023 professional learning journey so far building upon 2022 and 2021.
Our road map before now looked like this:

Her suggestions to our school:


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