
Showing posts from June, 2021

Learning about the 14 parameters - Term 2 Week 6, 7, 8

Staff took each of the parameters and in pairs, using the book, summarized. Each pair then presented to the rest of the staff.     Staff were asked to consider why Parameters 1, 6 and 14 were non-negotiable. And to journal down their thoughts. At the next staff meeting, staff were asked to revisit the parameters displayed around the room and write a key sentence about each Parameter in their journal. Question prompts included:  - What’s something that resonates with you today as you go around the room? - Write a dot point for each parameter in their journal. What does it mean to you? How would you use it? Why is it important? Where have you seen examples? Staff then selected a different parameter that they hadn't worked with and were instructed to d esign a visual that explains that to the group what the parameter means. A gallery walk followed. Staff then asked questions around the visuals created and shared interpretations/reasons for visuals, etc. 'I'm wondering what t

What did we do last week within our classrooms to move closer to a 10?

  Staff were then asked at the next staff meeting to share what they did in their classroom to move closer to a 10. They were then asked if our school demonstrated Parameter 1 what would it look like? How could we move our reality to our belief? Their thoughts were captured below. Staff reflected on what were the barriers that were inhibiting our school and the people within it from achieving this 10. Their thoughts were captured below.

Who shares the responsibility

  Individually staff were asked to go through each of the parameters and place an X or an O. The X was for whether they believed the responsibility of that parameter lay with leadership or an O being the responsibility of the classroom teacher. Staff then discussed their answers with their table. Some indicated that responses were changed. Responses changed didn't move from one to the other, but more if a parameter could be interpreted as the responsibility of both. An example was given, "Even the parameter of 'Principal as Lead Learner' could be viewed as both the responsibility of the individual leadership member but also the responsibility of the classroom teacher as although they have to actively lead and be involved with the learning, the classroom teacher needs to help support that." Another said "'Allocation of System or School Funds for Learning' parameter might be strategically or systematically managed by leadership, but we only know what to

Unpacking Parameter 1 Shared Beliefs and Understanding

In order to ensure all staff voice were heard the Learning Collaborative team used some intentional strategies. Each shared belief and understanding was rated twice. The first rating was around what is the current reality of our school and why. The second rating indicated how strongly do they believe in each statement and why? These reflections were collected and re-distributed. Staff were asked to read out each others reflections and stand along a corresponding continuum. Feedback received was that staff appreciated the number system and the anonymity of the exercise as it allowed for true and honest dialogue. The following attempts to capture the essence of the conversation around each of the shared beliefs and understandings. Parameter 3: High expectations and early and ongoing intervention are essential. The range for this parameter for staff was from 7-10. Majority of the responses were 9-10. The conversation regarding intervention might need to be broken open further. Generally,

Looking at the data

  Staff examined the data reflecting on 'what do they notice?' They were challenged who is our face, what is our plan to ensure that those 1060 students in our Diocese, in our schools that we all own together get over the line? And coming to an understanding that our work today and tomorrow, and in an ongoing way is the plan that will evolve to ensure that all teachers and leaders know how to teach all students because that's our work. That's our URGENT work. Staff discussed how the Learning Collaborative becomes the hard work that we will do together. To write the plan to help ALL of our students be successful.  Our School Improvement Plan contains social justice as a Mission focus - the Learning Collaborative is social justice at work for our children. Jesus taught us to care for the vulnerable - these results are our collective urgent work, these are our children, our system’s children, our education system’s children. It is all of our responsibility - it is our call